চাকরির আগে

আমার ফেসবুক ম্যানিয়া অনেক পুরোনো। আমার জীবনে ফেসবুকের প্রভাব অসামান্য। যখন আমি বিসিএস পরীক্ষার জন্য প্রিপারেশন নেবোনেবো করছি, যখন আমি বিসিএস নিয়ে বলতে গেলে কিছুই জানতাম না (কিছুই না মানে আসলেই কিছুই না), যখন আসলেই বুঝতে পারছিলাম না ক্যাডার চয়েস কীভাবে দেবো কিংবা কেনো দেবো (কোনো ক্যাডার নিয়েই আমার বিন্দুমাত্রও কোনো ধারণা ছিল না), যখন আমি কনফিউসড ছিলাম আদৌ আমি আমার ব্যবসাগুলো গুটিয়ে চাকরিতে আসবো কিনা এই ব্যাপারে, সেইসময়ের আমার ৩টা ফেসবুক স্ট্যাটাসের কমেন্ট থ্রেড থেকে বন্ধুদের করা কমেন্টের জবাবে আমার রিপ্লাই কমেন্টগুলো শেয়ার করলাম। বন্ধুদের নাম আর কমেন্টগুলো দিলাম না (কিছু সঙ্গত কারণে); তবে আমার রিপ্লাইগুলো পড়লে সহজেই বুঝতে পারবেন, ওই বন্ধু কী লিখেছিল। এখানে আমি আমার রিপ্লাইগুলো ঠিক রেখেছি। পড়ে দেখুন, মজা পাবেন। আমার প্ল্যান ছিলো, ব্যবসা করবো। সেখান থেকে আমার জীবন পরবর্তীতে ইউ-টার্নে ঘুরে যায়। আমি জীবনে একটাই চাকরির পরীক্ষা দিয়েছিলাম। চাকরিবাকরি নিয়ে বলতে গেলে, কিছুই জানতাম না। তাই, নিচের লেখাটা পড়লে বুঝবেন, আমার সেইসময়ের ভাবনায় অ্যামেচার ছাপ কতোটা স্পষ্ট। আজকে হঠাৎ কথাগুলো পড়লাম, অনেকক্ষণ হাসলাম।

What is the best job/employment considering financial and social security? Friends, please, share your view here . . .

Me: Dear Mr X, that’s a very good creative idea. Exploring for alternative energy resources and trading time for it would be a profitable platform to reach, no doubt. There’re some problems too. Anyone intended to be engaged here must acquire an overall knowledge on how to start, where to start, why to start (vision) and finally comes the decision. There’s no one around to help or encourage. Everyone is going to suggest not to start as few started it and made it a successful entrepreneurship. So, how to overcome these hurdles? Can anyone who doesn’t have a financial security think seriously of getting involved into this track? Thanks.

Me: Hello Ms Y! That wouldn’t be a safe zone for a stupid like me, I think! Thanks.

Me: Mr X, I’ve liked the idea and suggestion. It’s all about agro-based business. Few people are here. And, this sector really claims some smart entrepreneurs. I thought it earlier and also analyzed some of its prospects. I consulted with some experts regarding Dragon Fruit and Strawberry farming and they showed keen interest in helping me. I’ve found some problems:

• No one is here to accompany.

• No one is eager to discover an engineer (or, an educated youth) being involved in this ‘ordinary’ (so-called) sector.

• I’ve found no helping hand to associate with this task.

• Society pays little values to such projects.

• I’ve little financial knowledge to initiate an entrepreneurship (I own a small business, though).

But, finally I’m thinking seriously again after reading your suggestion. Yes, it’s true my thoughts flow at some unusual tracks. I’ve the impulse, but not the courage (probably). Probably it’s time I thought more about it. The most attractive remuneration of this sector, I think, is performing the commitment to my country and country people. Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion.

Me: Ah! So nice to see you here on my wall Ms Z! Yours is a nice plan. I’ve been teaching for the last 9 years and I think this is a nice sector to work with. But, here are some less rewarding things too (in our country’s perspective). Thank you for sharing your view.

Me: Hello C! You’re here, at last & at least! Thank you Sir for your presence on my wall . . . . I wrote, that’d be a one-stop solution for my wife and it means no one has availed herself of this solution yet as this solution isn’t available due to not arising problems . . . .lol . . . . . . . Now about your second comment . . . In my case exclusively, my personal liking drives me more than my academic qualification. I’ve not the least intention to build up my career as a computer engineer . . . Now Sir, about your third comment . . . . Why do you suggest being a government professional? I’ve liked this idea as there is ample opportunity of serving my country and nation. Apart from this, what features make it a standalone priority? Thanks.

Me: Mr X, thank you Sir for those wonderful inspiring words. Today or tomorrow I’ll expand my working arena to agro-based and relevant sectors. I’ve this future plan. I’ll let you know my plans through mails. Your suggestions are highly anticipated in this regard. Thanks a lot for writing here.

Me: Mr C, thank you Sir for your further suggestion. Before I read your suggestion, I had always been thinking about involving myself in any non-IT based sector. Yes, I’m now thinking of getting higher studies on IT, but I’m still reluctant to be on that stream professionally. I can expand my working arena to some IT sectors as an amateur basis. Thanks for making me think twice. I’ve always thought how to fulfill my commitment to my country, my society, my family, and above all, to myself. The last one must precede the earlier ones. And, I’m now trying on this regard. I agree with you on the point that being a bureaucrat is the best gateway to access to public affairs. This surely provides ample provision for financial, social, personal, familial security and for fulfilling my commitment to my state and countrymen. And, I’m now planning to switch myself to that arena. So, far as I know, you had been serving as a doctor of military dept of Indian Govt before you retired officially. I salute your service to your state and its people. Again, being a private practitioner must have not brought the honour you’ve enjoyed and are still enjoying. Such type of service is always highly praise-worthy.

Me: Should I really believe you’re here? Hahahaha . . . . . Thank you madam for writing on my wall. I must deem your comment a hearty compliment as it comes from you. I don’t know whether I’ve intellect or not, but surely, I’m not still enjoying its fruit. What I’ve shown up to this stage of my life is nothing but a bulk of stupidities. But, I don’t regret. Life didn’t come to me with a user-manual. So, I’ve every right to use and abuse it!!

Me: Dear brother, you’re most welcome to write, suggest, share on any topic, no matter it’s taken positively or not. Your idea on my status highly conformed to its relevance. Thank you for being with me.

Dear friends! I’m quite confused about deciding which job of Bangladesh Civil Service would suit me most. Could you please suggest me something?

Me: Dear sister, I’m now in a Hamletian Complexity! . . . To be or not to be that is the question . . . . . . . Actually, now I’m to fill up an application form of Bangladesh Civil Service exam, the toughest of all the exams held in Bangladesh. There I’m required to put my priority of Govt cadres or posts. I’ve primarily decided to choose the cadres in this sequence: Foreign Affairs, Police, Administration, Customs and some others. If I can qualify the exam and be at the top of the merit list Govt will recruit me in either of the first two choices (usually this is procedure). I can’t decide whether I need to change the order . . .

Me: Ah X! Who told you I’m a book-worm? I just read books for the same reason as I take food. . . Anyway, I also feel like preferring to join the Administration or Foreign Affairs as my ultimate goal is to be a writer. I could think of joining other sectors other than Public service. But, the charm of Public service, I think, is the social security regarding Money and Power. The most important aspect is to fulfill my commitment to the country as it deserves something from me. . . . . I don’t know how far I’d be able to be true to this commitment, but I’m determined on my part . . .

Me: Thank you for your comment. Your suggestion sounds quite self-experiencing! I know you’re saying from a generalized standpoint. It’s OK, but does not hold well in my case. I’m the eleventh one out of ten you can count. I’ve the confidence on my worth. If things around me don’t turn worse, I think, I’ll not be tenth one till my death. Thanks. Mr A, thank you once again for your presence on my wall . . . My father is an advocate and he is the most honest person I’ve ever seen in my life unlike many of his contemporaries. We’re not rich but we’re happy having all a man needs to live a decent life. I’ve grown up to this age with some indoctrinated senses of honesty that I can hardly think to be out of. If things turn wrong, I’ll rather break down but not bend.

Me: My regards H bhai . . . I’m the most indecisive person I’ve ever seen in my life till now! I’m always in a never-ending loop regarding any decision . . .

Dear friends! Which post or cadre of Bangladesh Civil Service, do you think, is the best? I sincerely ask for your opinion.

Me: Dear sister, I’m planning to fill up my cadre choices in this priority: Foreign Affairs, Police, Administration and Customs respectively. And on the top of the above four, there’s a cadre everyone likes to get frightened about! I’m still in a dilemma.

Me: Dear Y didi, thank you for the kind suggestion. I’ve a plan to go abroad to complete my Masters and Ph. D. I’ll do it on a study leave after joining the civil service. . . I know I’m more ‘অশান্ত’ than I seem to be, and that’s the reason why I’m too indecisive! And, it’s a rare fortune that you’re beside me to suggest and guide me to go the path I should. I can’t step if I’m not told to step. . .

Me: Dear P didi, I also dream of it much . . . But, it’s really tough to prove myself worthy of it. . . FA is considered as an Elite Cadre and so the competition is the toughest there. Lots of deserving candidates are waiting to grab it. So, I must be among the top 15 students in the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) exam to prove myself worthy of it. It’s really a tough job to do (for me, I do confess) . . .

Me: Ah P didi! So kind of you! Your inspiring words always suggest me something that I should have been suggested within my heart. Whenever I lack in resolution, your soothing words provide it. You’re the magician to throw the glance of aspiration. Yes, I can, so I will . . .

And finally, my Facebook status on 2 November 2011 evening (the final result of the 30th BCS Exam got published on that afternoon)

Friends! Let me share a great news . . . I’ve stood 1st in order of merit in Customs & Excise cadre in the 30th BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) Exam . . . Till date , it’s the greatest birthday gift I’ve received ever. I just feel like being in heaven. Heaven must not feel any better, I can bet! Now, I’m the happiest man on earth! Sweet birthday 02.11.2011!! Please pray for me.