P@ul’s Articles

@ul’s Coaching Home নামে আমার একটা কোচিং সেন্টার ছিল। কোচিংয়ের স্টুডেন্টদের লেকচার শিট দিয়ে পরাতাম। কিছু শিট এখনও আমার কাছে রয়ে গেছে। সেগুলি এক-এক করে আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করছি। কিছু ভুল থাকতে পারে। ক্লাসে পড়ানোর সময় শিটের ভুলগুলি শুধরে দিতাম। তবে এখন সময়ের অভাবে সেটা করতে পারলাম না। আপনারা পড়ার সময় একটু কষ্ট করে শুধরে নিয়ে পড়বেন।

আরেকটা কথা। এক্সারসাইজগুলির কোনও সল্যুশন শিট আমি কখনওই বানাইনি। ক্লাসে ইন্সট্যান্টলি সল্ভ করে দিতাম। তাই, আপনাদের কষ্ট করে নিজে সল্ভ করে-করে পড়তে হবে।

Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary:

1. ___ life is complicated.

2. My sister loves ___ horses.

3. She is looking forward to being ___ grandmother.

4. I used my shoe as ___ hammer.

5. How strange ___ idea.

6. She’s quite ___ nuisance.

7. It was rather ___ success.

8. How much of ___ mathematician are you?

9. Between ourselves, I think she is a bit of ___ fool.

10. She is less of ___ scientist than a technologist.

11. It’s not much of ___ place, but it’s a home.

12. You’ve been such ___ help!

13. They’re such ___ idiots!

14. We had quite ___ thunderstorm last night.

15. How much of ___ job would it be to rebuild the garage?

16. Could you pass me ___ salt?

17. We need some more ___ salt.

18. Have you fed ___ dogs.

19. Do you love ___ dogs?

20. ___ children generally start walking at around one year old.

21. They’re delivering ___ oil tomorrow.

22. ___ oil has nearly doubled in price recently.

23. Who invented ___ telephone?

24. Have you got ___ shampoo for dry hair?

25. We need a secretary with ___ knowledge of English.

26. You’ve been ___ great help.

27. I need ___ good sleep.

28. We’re having ___ terrible weather.

29. You’ve made ___ very good progress.

30. She speaks ___ very good English.

31. We hired ___ car to go to Scotland.

32. Did you lock ___ car?

33. She’s got two children: ___ boy and ___ girl. ___ boy’s fourteen and ___ girl’s eight.

34. Give ___ money straight back to ___ policeman.

35. What did you do with ___ camera I lent you?

36. Tell Pat ___ story about John and Susie.

37. Who’s ___ girl over there with John?

38. It’s ___ reason – it’s not the only reason.

39. It’s ___ historic occasion.

40. Is there any water in ___ fridge?

41. Is there ___ water on ___ moon?

42. He’s ___ MP.

43. ___ books are expensive.

44. Move ___ books off that chair and sit down.

45. I’m studying ___ life of Beethoven.

46. ‘Where’s ___ cheese?’ I ate it.

47. Why has ___ light gone out?

48. Nothing can travel faster than ___ light.

49. ___ most birds can fly.

50. ___ most of ___ children got very tired.

51. ___ schools should pay less attention to examination success, and more attention to ___ child.

52. Life would be ___ quieter without ___ telephone.

53. ___ violin is more difficult than ___ piano.

54. ___ baby deer can stand as soon as it’s born.

55. ___ tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.

56. What’s ___ time?

57. Could you close ___ door?

58. Ann’s in ___ kitchen.

59. Did you enjoy ___ party?

60. I haven’t seen ___ sun for days.

61. ___ Government has banned polyethene.

62. Have you never heard of ___ Thirty Years’ War?

63. Do you prefer ___ town or ___ country?

64. My wife likes ___ seaside, but I prefer ___ mountains.

65. I love listening to ___ wind.

66. Can I have ___ next pancake?

67. I’m ___ oldest in my, family.

68. We went to ___ same school.

69. She married Richard Burton, ___ actor.

70. I’d like you to meet ___ Cathy Parker, ___ novelist.

71. ___ Tom came yesterday.

72. I wish ___ trains were ___ cleaner and more punctual.

73. He’s always after ___ girls.

74. ___ English people always talk about ___ weather.

75. I love ___ nature.

76. It isn’t always easy to fit in with ___ society.

77. We are just taking our first steps into ___ space.

78. ___ Russians have a marvellous folk song tradition.

79. ___ Irish are very proud of their sense of humour.

80. Should ___ police carry guns?

81. He’s collecting money for ___ blind.

82. ___ unemployed are losing hope.

83. This government doesn’t care about ___ poor.

84. ___ music of tire eighteenth century appeases us all.

85. ___ butterflies of Africa are famous for their beauty.

86. This is ___ my uncle.

87. ___ Mary lives in ___ Switzerland.

88. ‘My name’s James Bond.’ ‘What, not ___ James Bond?’

89. My brother’s going out with ___ French girl.

90. She lives in ___ nice big house.

91. Could you lend me ___ pen?

92. ___ spider has eight legs.

93. She’s ___ architect.

94. ‘What’s that noise?’ ‘I think it’s ___ helicopter.’

95. He decided to become __ engineer.

96. He remained ___ bachelor all his life.

97. Don’t use your plate as ___ ashtray.

98. Both my parents are ___ architects.

99. ___ Whisky is made from ___ barley.

100. ‘What’s that on your coat?’ ‘It looks like ___ paint.’

101. I want to stay for ___ another three weeks.

102. We’ll need ___extra ten pounds.

103. He’s been waiting for ___ good twenty-five minutes.

104. She spent ___ happy ten minutes looking through the photos.

105. I’ve had ___ very busy three days.

106. I’ve lain awake ___ good many nights worrying about you.

107. I bet that house could tell ___ good few stories.

108. I go to Ireland ___ every six weeks.

109. It weighs one and ___ half tons.

110. It’s ___ good car.

111. I’m looking for __ flat. I’d like __ small one with ___ garden.

112. I’ll meet you at ___ college.

113. I met her at ___ college.

114. I left my coat in ___ hospital when I was visiting Jane.

115. Who smokes in ___ class?

116. She was unhappy at ___ university.

117. You can’t get there without ___ car.

118. He’s ___ friend of mine.

119. ___ economic problems of ___ America were solved immediately.

120. ___ wife of ___ boss came to ___ office yesterday.

121. Lying by the side of the road we saw ___ wheel of n car.

122. He is taking lessons in how to play ___ guitar.

123. He is taking ___ guitar lessons.

124. Both ___ children are good at maths.

125. All ___ three brothers were arrested.

126. We’ve been waiting to hear front you all ___ week.

127. I haven’t seen her all ___ day.

128. What kind of ___ person is she?

129. Have you got ___ cheaper sort of radio?

130. They’ve developed ___ new variety of sheep.

131. I was surprised at the amount of ___ money collected.

132. The number of ___ unemployed is rising steadily.

133. ___ man and woman were created equal.

134. ___ men and ___ women have similar abilities and needs.

135. How did ___ Man first discover fire?

136. We met on ___ wet Monday in June.

137. She died on ___ Tuesday after the accident.

138. We’re having ___ very wet April.

139. It was ___ January after we went to Greece.

140. Rome is lovely in ___ spring.

141. I like ___ winter.

142. I worked very hard in ___ summer that year.

143. I went there in ___ fall.

144. ___ violin is really difficult.

145. Who’s that on ___ piano?

146. This recording was made with Miles Davis on ___ trumpet.

147. She studied ___ oboe and ___ saxophone at the Royal Academy of Music.

148. It’s not easy to write plays for ___ television.

149. Would you rather go out or watch ___ TV?

150. Look out! The cat’s on ___ TV!

151. She’s is quite ___ girl!

152. His letter annoyed me ___ great deal.

153. He gave me ___ good advice.

154. It was ___ information for me.

155. I always listen to ___ radio while I’m driving.

156. It was a great treat to go to ___ cinema or ___ theatre when I was a child.

157. ___ cinema is different from ___ theatre in several ways.

158. He’s worked in ___ radio all his life.

159. ___Queen Elizabeth had dinner with ___ President Kennedy.

160. ___ Queen had dinner with ___ President.

161. They appointed him ___ Head Librarian.

162. He’s ___ librarian.

163. He was elected ___ President in 1879.

164. I want to see ___ President.

165. What ___ lovely dress!

166. What ___ nonsense!

167. What ___ luck!

168. I think I’ve got ___ measles.

169. Have you had ___ appendicitis?

170. I’m getting ___ toothache.

171. I’ve got ___ horrible cold.

172. Have you got ___ headache?

173. She hit him in ___ stomach.

174. Can’t you look me in ___ eye?

175. He was shot in ___ leg.

176. He’s broad across ___ shoulders.

177. Do you sell eggs by ___ kilo or by ___ dozen?

178. She drinks cough medicine by ___ litre.

179. He sits watching ___ TV by ___ hour.

180. Can I pay by ___ month?

181. Alan can drive thirty miles ___ hour.

182. Take this medicine twice ___ week.

183. ___ Atlantic is a huge ocean.

184. ___ Himalayas attracts the mountaineers.

185. We visited ___ British Museum last week.

186. We travelled along___ Sahara.

187. My uncle was ___ in Oxford then.

188. How far is ___ Willow Road from here?

189. The scenic beauty of ___ Lake Michigan is unparalleled.

190. Are you going to ___ People’s Republic of China next week?

191. The national team of ___ Netherlands is coming tonight.

192. He studies at ___ Oxford University.

193. Ronaldo plays at ___ Real Madrid Football Club.

194. __ Everest is the highest peak of ___ Himalayas.

195. ___ Matterhorn appeals me most.

196. Have you heard of ___ Mont Blanc?

197. We had a visit to ___ Le Meije.

198. He reads regularly ___ Washington Post.

199. Have you gone through ___ New Scientist this week?

200. He’s got ___ BA degree.

201. Mr. Robertson is ___ US diplomat.

202. Do you hear ___ BBC?

203. They had to face __ IRA attack.

204. He works at ___ UNESCO.

205. I’ve been waiting for ___ hour and ___ half.

206. Can you await me for ___ one and ___ half hours?

207. It was built in the time of ___ Henry V.

208. Let’s read ___ fourth act of ___ play.

209. Elizabeth ___ Second said this.

210. I want to live for ___ hundred years.

211. I hardly had ___ strength to take my clothes off.

212. I didn’t quite have ___ money to pay for a meal.

213. __ sooner, ___ better.

214. ___ Japanese are a diligent nation.

215. He is learning IELTS at ___ British Council.

216. Give me ___ quarter of ___ bread.

217. Bring me ___ two most precious things in ___ city,” said God.

218. Newton lived to be ___ old man and was made ___ member of Parliament.

219. High above ___ city, over ___ tall column, stood ___ statue of ___ Happy Prince.

220. ___¬hour before that, ___ European came into ___ room.

221. He was ___ old man with ___ gentle face.

222. This is ___ honour for me.

223. Bombay is ___ Manchester of India.

224. This man is ___ second Newton.

225. Shylock was ___- usurer.

226. ___ Godavari is – Ganga of the South.

227. ___ Iron is ___ useful metal.

228. He is ___ F.R.C.S.

229. ___ good in him revolted at this.

230. He gave me ___ one hundred rupee note.

231. Have you seen ___ old man with ___ umbrella in hand?

232. This is ___– unique thing.

233. The greatest gift for ___ individual is fearlessness.

234. ___ French is not ___ easy subject.

235. We found ___ tiger in the zoo.

236. ___ metre is ___ unit of length.

237. What ___ devil you are!

238. Who is ___ happiest of a11?

239. Don’t catch me by ___ arm.

240. He saw ___ most wonderful sight.

241. ___ more you read, ___ more you learn.

242. It happened in ___ year 1911.

243. This morning ___ Mr. Sharma came to see me.

244. He plays ___ guitar.

245. ___ cow gives us milk.

246. I have not read ___ Vedas, ___ Bible and ___ Koran.

247. ___ Bengali is spoken by ___ Bengalis.

248. We stopped for lunch in ___ small restaurant not far from ___ town.

249. ___ Sun is ___ eternal source of energy.

250. ___ Everest is ___ highest mountain peak in ___ world.

251. He is ___ B.A. in economics and ___ M. A. in statistics of ___ University of Bombay. ___ honest man like him will never do this.

252. He lives in ___ United Kingdom.

253. ___ partners soon came to ___ settlement. ___ earth moves round ___ sun.

254. He had ____ bad headache and could not attend ___ meeting.

255. Of all ___ boys in ___ class he is ____ best.

256. There was ___ meeting at ___ Maidan.

257. One of ___ American scientists invented ___ medicine for tuberculosis.

258. There is ___ university at Rajshahi.

259. To ___ Hindus, Benaras is ___ holy city on ___ bank of ___ river Ganga.

260. ___ Kutab Minar is ___ tallest structure in India.

261. He looked for ___ boy who stood first in ___ examination.

262. ___ Secretary and ___ Headmaster of ___ school called ___ meeting of ___ students to discuss ___ urgent matter.

263. ___ sudden death of ___ leader like him threw ___ whole party into ___ chaos.

264. He is ___ Indian but he has ___ good command of English like ___ English.

265. ___ bravery of ___ man charmed us all.

266. ___ West Indies consist of ___ group of islands to ___ south of ___ U.S.A.

267. I saw ___ man you talked of in ___ blue jacket sitting on ___ bench in ___ park.

268. Can you tell me ___ shortest way to ___ market?

269. I read ___ Times of India which is ___ very popular newspaper here.

270. ___ man is mortal.

271. ___ Statesman is ___ principal English paper here.

272. He can speak ___ English fluently like ___ English.

273. ___ bread is often referred to as ___ staff of ___ life.

274. He lives on ___ Rashbehari Avenue near ___ Deshapriya Park.

275. Are you going to ___ dinner with ___ Duttas tonight?

276. Mr. Sarma who is ___ Headmaster and ___ Secretary of ___ school was present there.

277. He is ___ son of ___ landlord and ___ nephew of ___ rich businessman.

278. ___ mangoes are sold by ___ kilogram and these are twenty rupees ___kilogram.

279. ___ teacher’s little boy wants to be ___ doctor rather than ___ engineer because he feels ___ doctors can serve ___ people better.

280. In ___ London one of ___ students fell ill with ___ violent fever and that gave us ___ great deal of ___trouble.

281. It is ___ wonderful experience to do ___ business with such ___ efficient organisation.

282. My sister is ___ musician; she plays ___ violin, ___ sitar, and ___ guitar.

283. My brother is ___ sportsman; he plays ___ football, ___ cricket and ___ hockey.

284. ___ dogs are useful animals but they are not ___ most useful of all ___ animals.

285. He lives in ___ ground floor of ___ old house on ___ river Jamuna.

286. Copper is ___ useful metal.

287. He is not honourable man.

288. ___ able man has not always a distinguished look.

289. ___ reindeer ___ is ___ native of Norway.

290. ___ Honest men speak ___ truth.

291. Rustum is ___ young Parsee.

292. Do you see ___ blue sky ?

293. ___ Benares is ___ holy city.

294. Aladdin had ___ wonderful lamp.

295. The world is ___ happy place.

296. He returned after ___ hour.

297. ___ school will shortly close for the Puja holidays.

298. ___ sun shines brightly.

299. I first met him ___ year ago.

300. Yesterday ___ European called at my office.

301. The guide knows ___ way.

302. Ceylon is ___ island.

303. Let us discuss ___ matter seriously.

304. John got ___ best present.

305. Sanskrit is ___ difficult language.

306. ___ Ganga is ___ sacred river.

307. ___ lion is ___ king of beasts.

308. You are___ fool to say that.

309. French is ___ easy language.

310. ___ French defeated the Germans.

311. Which is ___ longest river in India ?

312. Rama has come without ___ umbrella.

313. Bombay is ___ very dear place to live in.

314. She is ___ untidy girl.

315. The children found ___ egg in the nest.

316. I bought ___horse, ___ ox, and ___ buffalo.

317. If you see him, give him ___ message.

318. English is ___ language of ___ people of England.

319. Man, thou art ___wonderful animal!

320. ___ Bosphorus and ___ Hellespont are ___ two gates of Constantinople.

321. He looks as stupid as ___ owl!

322. He is ___ honour to his profession.

323. ___ Secretary and ___ Treasurer is absent.

324. ___ Secretary and ___ Treasurer are absent.

325. Sir Surendranath was ___ great orator and ___ statesman.

326. ___ third and ___ fourth chapter of the book are well-written.

327. ___ third and ___ fourth chapters of this book are well-written.

328. He is ___ better thinker than ___ debater.

329. He would make ___ better ___ engineer than ___ lawyer.

330. The trees struck ___ root into ___ ground.