P@ul’s Worksheet on Transformation of Sentences & Change of Narration

P@ul’s Coaching Home নামে আমার একটা কোচিং সেন্টার ছিল। কোচিংয়ের স্টুডেন্টদের লেকচার শিট দিয়ে পরাতাম। কিছু শিট এখনও আমার কাছে রয়ে গেছে। সেগুলি এক-এক করে আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করছি। কিছু ভুল থাকতে পারে। ক্লাসে পড়ানোর সময় শিটের ভুলগুলি শুধরে দিতাম। তবে এখন সময়ের অভাবে সেটা করতে পারলাম না। আপনারা পড়ার সময় একটু কষ্ট করে শুধরে নিয়ে পড়বেন।

আরেকটা কথা। এক্সারসাইজগুলির কোনও সল্যুশন শিট আমি কখনওই বানাইনি। ক্লাসে ইন্সট্যান্টলি সল্ভ করে দিতাম। তাই, আপনাদের কষ্ট করে নিজে সল্ভ করে-করে পড়তে হবে।

A) Transform the following complex sentences into simple ones.

1 .A man who is drowning catches at a straw. 2 .Although he is poor, he is honest. 3. Although they were poor, they had a happy conjugal life. 4. As he saw the tiger, he ran away in fear. 5. As he was lazy, he could not prosper. 6. As he was tired, he refused to go. 7. As the set of combs is costly, I cannot buy it. 8. As the writer was poor, he could not visit Foyot’s earlier. 9. He admitted that he was mistaken. 10. He cannot tell us when he will return. 11. He declared that he was innocent. 12. He had arrived at home when we left for Dhaka. 13. He is so weak that he cannot speak a single word. 14. He is sorry to hear that you have failed. 15. He was glad when he received your letter. 16. He woke up when it was raining. 17. He worked hard so that he could pass the examination. 18. I am sure that I shall pass the examination. 19. I bought a pen which was costly. 20. I desire that I should go. 21. I don’t know what his father’s name is. 22. I have no money that I can spare. 23. I have no time that I can waste in idle talks. 24. I knew that they were horribly expensive. 25. I know what his intention is. 26. I know where he works. 27. I was admitted to school when I was five. 28. I was saved since I had shown a true love for all living things. 29. If you do not walk fast, you will miss the train. 30. If you do not write much you cannot write well. 31. If you eat a balanced diet, you can remain safe. 32. If you read more, you will know more. 33. If you take exercise regularly, you can be healthy. 34. It is certain that he will come. 35. Lord knew what they cost. 36. Mecca is the place where the holy prophet was born. 37. She led a life which was spotless. 38. Since he was sharp, he made a good result. 39. Since the boy worked hard, he shone in life. 40. Since the water was salty, the sailors could not drink it. 41. Tell me what the truth is. 42. The authoress went to Dhaka when it was autumn. 43. The box is so old that it cannot be used. 44. The boy was so foolish that he could not understand a simple matter. 45. The lady wrote letters to the writer so that she might have a lunch from him. 46. The rumour that he has failed, is not true. 47. The woman who is reported is a spy. 48. The writer lived in a cabin which belonged to the orphanage. 49. They are so nice that they cannot be used just at present. 50. They saw a ship that was coming to them. 51. They saw the drunken porter who was lying on the floor. 52. This is the bottle which is used for water. 53. Though the writer had a willingness, he could not eat caviare. 54. Tourists need a hotel which is comfortable. 55. We eat so that we may live. 56. We went to the house, where my uncle lived. 57. When I went there, I found him absent. 58. When it was daylight, I was half awakened by the sound of chopping. 59. When my mutton chop arrived, she took me to task. 60. When the girl stood by the window, she looked out. 61. When the lunch was over, the guests went away. 62. You came here when you were only four.

B) Transform the following simple sentences into complex ones.

1. A learned man should not be proud. 2. A lost moment is lost forever. 3. A lover of mankind is loved by Allah. 4. At daylight, I was half awakened by the sound of chopping. 5. Because of killing the albatross, the old man was punished. 6. Being tired, he refused to go. 7. Can you tell me the time of his arrival? 8. Coming in the darkness, he knocked at the door. 9. Do you know the place of his working? 10. Entering the classroom, the teacher found the boys gossiping. 11. Finding the door unlocked, the thief entered the house. 12. Give me a pen to write with. 13. Going there I found him absent. 14. Going there, I heard him talking. 15. Going to my brother, I informed him of the matter. 16. Having forgotten him, I went outside the cabin. 17. He hoped to win the prize. 18. He hopes to succeed in life. 19. He is the last man to do it. 20. He is too weak to move. 21.He left after my departure. 22. Health is wealth. 23. His honesty is known to all. 24. I am sure of his passing. 25. I am sure of his success. 26. I believe you as my real friend. 27. I cannot tell the time of his arrival. 28. I dislike him for his laziness. 29. I do not know his father’s name. 30. I do not know the time of his death. 31. I have no money to spare. 32. I know the honest man. 33. I know the reason of his silence. 34. I read them for pleasure. 35. I saw a bird flying in the sky. 36. I was admitted to school at the age of five. 37. I was startled to see the bill of fare. 38. I was there in autumn. 39. In spite of having knowledge, Mr Matin was not selected. 40. In spite of his poverty, he is happy. 41. In spite of his working hard, he could not reach his goal. 42. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily. 43.Knowledge is power. 44. Monir was loved by all because of his honesty. 45. None can tell the time of his coming. 46. On the arrival of my mutton chop, she took me to task. 47. One day the old man watched some water snakes swimming around the ship. 48. Running fast, the boy got the first prize. 49. Standing by the window, the girl looked out. 50. Taking exercise regularly, he built a good health. 51. Tell me the truth. 52. The authoress wanted quiet isolation to do some troublesome writing. 53. The child is too little to speak. 54. The farmers sow good seeds to get good crops. 55. The gifts are too nice to be used just at present. 56. The girl went to a hair shop to sell her hair. 57. The load being very heavy, he cannot carry it. 58. The Magi brought valuable gifts. 59. The marriage ceremony being over, the guests were going to the feast. 60.The question was too tough for the students to answer. 61. The sun having risen, the fog dispersed. 62. The sun having set, we reached home. 63. There were two people on board. 64. They saw the drunken porter lying on the floor. 65. They walked too slowly to catch the bus. 66. This is my birth place. 67. Twenty years ago, I was living in Paris. 68. Unity is strength. 69. We read to learn. 70. Who knows the time of his departure? 71. You came here only at four.

C) Transform the following simple sentences into compound ones.

1. At daylight, I was half awakened by the sound of chopping. 2. Because of his being ill, he cannot move. 3. Being dissatisfied, he resigned his post 4. Closing the door, I went back to sleep. 5. Coming home, I began to work. 6. Despite his willingness, the writer could not eat asparagus. 7. Fatema, being poor, could not buy a set of combs. 8. Fatema, being slender, had mastered the art. 9.Finishing the work, we went to the playground. 10. Going to Dhaka, I called on him. 11. Having forgotten him, I went outside the cabin. 12. He could not come on account of illness. 13. He gave me both money and food. 14. He is both intelligent and diligent. 15. He ran away to escape arrest. 16. Hearing a noise, he woke up. 17. I shall work hard to avoid failure. 18. I was too young to have learnt to say “no” to a woman. 19. I went to Mymensingh to call on him. 20. I went to Rajshahi leaving my friend alone. 21. In spite of his being poor, he is happy. 22. In spite of turning a trifle pale, the writer had to order for champagne for the lady guest. 23. Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch. 24. Owing to illness, he could not play yesterday. 25. Seeing the police, the thief ran away. 26. Sitting by the fire, he told me of their two days together. 27. Sitting on a stone, the old sailor watched the people walking past him. 28. Taking up his basket, the porter followed the girl. 29. The lunch being over, we left the hotel 30. The man being very hungry ate too much. 31. The marriage ceremony being over, the guests were going to the feast. 32. The sun having set, we went out for a walk. 33. The water being very cold, I could not drink it. 34. The weather being very cold, there were no birds or animals in that snow covered country. 35. They are too nice to be used just at present. 36. Turning to the left you will find the school. 37. Twenty years ago, I was living in Khulna.

D) Transform the following compound sentences into simple ones.

1. Be honest and you will be happy. 2. Fatema was slender and mastered the art. 3. He behaved rough but he was not punished. 4. He had all the qualifications but he did not get a job. 5. He has much money but he is unhappy. 6. He is healthy but he does not work at all. 7. He is not only tall but also strong. 8. He is wealthy but he is unhappy. 9. He sat by the Fire with me and told me of their two days together. 10. He saw me and came at once. 11. He took the purse and ran away. 12. He tried hard but he did not succeed. 13. I called him but he did not respond. 14. I entered the room and switched on the light. 15. I had forgotten him and went outside the cabin. 16. I have got your letter and I am happy. 17. I was ill so I could not attend the meeting. 18. I was very young and I had not learnt to say no to a woman. 19. Jim drew a package from his overcoat and threw it upon the table. 20. Leave or die. 21. She jumped into a cab and cried gaily. 22. Sohel was honest and could not take the money. 23. The culprit ran away and escaped himself. 24. The farmers worked day and night but they could not grow a good harvest. 25. The girl finished her cry and attended to her cheeks. 26. The marriage ceremony was over and the guests were going to the feast. 27. The porter took up his basket and followed the girl. 28. The sea water was very salty and they could not drink it. 29. The sun had set and we went home. 30. The sun rose and the fog dispersed. 31. The weather was very cold and there were no birds or animals in that snow covered country. 32. They are very nice and cannot be used just at present. 33. They will work until the sun sets. 34. Walk fast or you cannot catch the train. 35. We must eat or we cannot live. 36. Work hard and you will prosper in life. 37. Write much or you cannot write well.

E) Transform the following compound sentences into complex ones.

1. At once the albatross fell from his neck and he fell into a deep sleep. 2. Attend to your classes or you will not learn. 3. Do and die. 4. Do as I suggest to you or you will suffer. 5. Do or die. 6. Drive carefully or there may be an accident. 7. Follow my example and you will feel better. 8. For seven days he tried to pray but could not break the sailors’ curse. 9. He had finished the work and took rest. 10. He is rich but he is unhappy. 11. He sat by the fire with me and told me of their two days together. 12. He saw the danger but he proceeded on. 13. He wanted to do it and so he worked hard. 14. He worked hard but failed, 15. I knew I could not afford caviare but I could not very well tell her that. 16. I paid the bill and I had no money in my pocket. 17. I prepared my lesson and went to school. 18. I took a cabin and asked for a man to chop wood. 19. It disturbed me but I did not know the reason. 20. It exists but it is difficult to explain. 21.Read and you will learn. 22. Read Newspapers regularly and be wise. 23. Rehana finished her cry and attended to her cheeks. 24. Rehana saw it and she knew that it must be for her husband. 25. Run fast or you cannot get the train. 26. You can go to play or watch the TV. 27. He is old but he is very active. 28. Smoking causes-cancer and this is well known. 29. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 30. Speak the truth and I will let you go. 31.The albatross is a big sea bird and it brings good luck to the sailors. 32. The beggar saw me and came running. 33. The dog lay close to him and found comfort there. 34. The door opened and Jim stepped in. 35. The man saw the tiger and went away. 36. The patient died and then the doctor came. 37. The ship came nearer and they saw it had no crew. 38. The sun rose and the fog dispersed. 39. Their throats were very dry and they could not speak. 40. There was water everywhere around them but they had not a drop to drink. 41. They gave the bird food and water and it became tame. 42. Walk fast or you cannot get the train. 43. Waste not, want not. 44. We were waiting for the coffee and the headwaiter brought a basket full of peaches. 45. Work hard and you will prosper in life. 46. I was ill and so I could not attend the meeting. 47. Waste not and want not. 48. You must hurry or you will miss the train. 49. You must return the goods or pay the bill.

F) Transform the following complex sentences into compound ones.

1. As he felt a great love for them, he blessed them from his heart. 2. As the boy was truthful, he was rewarded. 3. For myself, I chose the mutton chop which was the cheapest dish on the menu. 4. He is so weak that he cannot walk. 5. He worked hard so that he might get the prize. 6. I am glad that he has recovered from illness. 7. I am sure it’s a mistake. 8. I did not know why it disturbed me. 9. I have found the book that I had lost. 10. I know that he is rich. 11. I respect him as he loves me. 12. I was saved because I had shown a true love for all living things. 13. If he is at home, I shall see him. 14. If he loves his neighbours, they will love him. 15. If I rise early, I will get enough time to study. 16. If they do not do this, they will die. 17. If you do not hurry up, you will miss the train. 18. If you do not obey me, you will be punished. 19. If you do not work hard, you cannot prosper in life. 20. If you do not write much, you cannot write well. 21. If you follow my example, you will feel better. 22. If you read more, you will know more. 23. If you see him, he will be glad. 24. If you speak the truth I shall pardon you. 25. If you take exercise regularly, you can be healthy. 26. It was twenty years ago when I was living in Dhaka. 27. Only those who are graduates are eligible for the post. 28. Since I was well into my work, I was not inclined to conversation. 29. Since my ankles were weak, I was slow in learning to walk. 30. Since the old man was weak, he could not go to the court. 31. Since they gave it food and water, it became very tame. 32. The albatross is a big sea bird which brings good luck to the sailors. 33. The farmers are so poor that they cannot meet their both ends together. 34. The Magi who were wise men brought gifts to the babe in the manger. 35. Their throats were so dry that they could not speak. 36. Though I burned with questions, I could not ask. 37. Though Rahim and Rehana were poor, they were happy in their conjugal life. 38. Though the boy has many brothers and sisters he seems to be lonely. 39. Though the watch was grand, Latif looked at it on the sly. 40. When he found me, he acted crazy. 41. When he woke up it was raining. 42. When it was daylight, I. was half awakened by the sound of chopping. 43. When the dog lay close to him, it found a comfort there. 44. When the door opened, Kamal stepped in. 45. When the mutton chop arrived, she took me to task. 46. When the sailors saw the ship, they cried in joy. 47. When they gave it food and water, it became very tame, 48. While we were waiting for coffee, the headwaiter brought a basket full of huge peaches.

Rewrite the following sentences as directed:

(1) It matters little. [Turn into Negative]. (2) How many bowls of noodle will you eat, old man? [Turn it into an Assertive Sentence]. (3) Work hard or you will fail. [Turn into a Complex sentence]. (4) Everybody dislikes a liar. [Make it negative]. (5) We are, all born canvassers for our causes. [Make it a question]. (6) My book is stolen (Use robbed for stolen]. (7) A Hercules alone can do this. [Turn info Negative]. (8) Calcutta is Rabindranath’s birthplace. [Make it Complex]. (9) He is perhaps the best boy in the class. [Use positive Degree]. (10) The man was too old to carry the burden. [Omit too]. (11) I cannot but shed tears. [Use help]. (12) Though he is poor, he is honest. [Make it a simple sentence]. (13) How warm your hands are ! [Turn Into a statement]. (14) I am familiar with him. [Use the noun form of familiar]. (15) ‘Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven’. [Use preferable for better]. (16) It is never too late to mend. [Omit too]. (17) As soap as he went there he ran away. [Use no sooner than], (18) They need a friendly lead. [Make it complex]. (19) Carlyle saw that the advent of free penny post would kill the letter by making it cheap. [Turn it into a Compound Sentence]. (20) Even in those old-fashioned debates which used to be held between humble Atheists and humble Christians, the leading Christian and the leading Atheist always went home with their opinions unchanged. [Make it a Simple Sentence]. (21) Their opponents do not feel like this. [Make it Interrogative]. (22) Was it not a piece of luck ? [Make it Affirmative]. (23) It was like a fairy island in the sunset. [Make it a Complex Sentence]. (24) I wonder if I can do it. [Make it a Negative Sentence]. (25) More refugees—Will there never be an end to them? [Make it an Assertive sentence]. (26) Suddenly he could go no more. [Turn it into an Affirmative Sentence]. (27) Just for a handful of silver he left us. [Make it Complex]. (28) What else is there to say? [Make it Assertive]. (29) I regarded character-building as the proper foundation for their education. [Change it to Passive Voice]. (30) The geologists say that the moss on the actual stone was first started in exactly the same way. [Change the Voice]. (31) One swallow does not make a summer. [Make it Passive]. (32) They ate up all the seed, and with what shall the land be sown again ? [Change the Voice]. (33) Didn’t I tell you to stop ? [Turn it into Passive Voice]. (34) It is not that they are stupid. [Make it a Simple Sentence]. (35) Yet no sooner was I mystically converted to a belief in Socialism than I began to badger all my friends and acquaintances with arguments that I should have laughed at a month or two before. [Use scarcely when for no sooner than]. (36) The doctors talked a lot of nonsense. [Make it Exclamatory]. (37) I still repent that violence. [Make it Exclamatory]. (38) On one occasion he broke out most violently. [Use the adj. form of violently]. (39) She was older than he. [Use the antonym of ‘older’] (40) No doubt they feel too near death to see anything [Omit ‘too’] (41) Why do people argue so hotly ? [Use the Noun form of ‘hotly’]. (42) I was too young to remember him [Omit ‘too’] (43) It was an interesting experience, and I enjoyed it very much. [Turn it into a complex sentence]. (44) There are few crueler things than to make a prosaic person write poetry. [Use the Superlative degree]. (45) Poetry is good, but tea is better. [Turn it into a simple Sentence]. (46) If only I could meet him and give him proper advice! [Change it into an Assertive Sentence]. (47) Sense is sometimes more valuable than courage [Use positive degree]. (48) He is stiff. Nevertheless, he has got a heart. She loves him so terribly. Not to love her would be heartless. [Combine into a compound Sentence], (49) It is no wonder that his head was turned. [Turn it into an Affirmative Sentence]. (50) His house was about twenty miles distant. [Use the noun form of distant]. (51) He gave special orders to have a hot cake at ‘breakfast. [Use order as verb] (52) Fanaticism preaches certain doctrines. They teach men to be content with poverty. They have a very pernicious tendency. They help tyrants by giving them passive slaves. [Combine into a Complex Sentence]. (53) ‘Seven years, my lord, have now passed since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door. [Turn into a Simple Sentence]. (54) You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it. [Turn it into a Complex Sentence]. (55) Nor is there in the whole range of nature a grandeur or more magnificent scene than the ocean in a storm. [Use the Superlative degree]. (56) He is too clumsy for decent society. [Make it a Negative Sentence).

Narration/Speech (Assertive Sentence or Statement)

Change the following forms of speech:

1. “I shall meet you tomorrow.” 2. “He has done the work” 3. “I am not angry with you.” I said to them, “You have done wrong.” 4. “I examined the patient the day before yester¬day,” the doctor said. 5. “I have never seen you”, said the old man to the girl. 6. “I will avenge your wrongs,” he cried, “I will not enter Athens until I have punished the king who had so cruelly treated you.” 7. “I won’t Kneel, for if I do, I shall spoil my new breeches,” the boy said. 8. “If the floods get any worse we must leave the house,” I said. 9. “That is my horse.” said he, “and if I do not prove it in a few minutes I will give up my claim.” 10. “You have all done very badly !” remarked the teacher. 11. “You will feel the consequence” 12. “You will feel the consequences.” 13. . .., and I shot five tigers while I was in India. 14. `How many will you eat, old man?’ said the ven¬dor. 15. `If I were not so poor myself,’ said the vendor, `I might even have given you a bowl.’ 16. Abdul said to Ihram “You will pass”. 17. Abu said, “I had been suffering from fever for a week before I left home.” 18. Abu said, “I had suffered from fever before I left home.” 19. Abu said, “I was suffering from fever.” 20. Alam said to you, “I have showed (shown) you my new book.” 21. I said to him, ” If I were you, I should wait.” 22. He said, ” I know him well because I used to live with him.” 23. He said to me, ” Thank you” 24. He said to me, “I wonder if the book is available.” 25. He said to me, “We are not responsible for it.” 26. He said to me, “You had better do the work” 27. He said to me, “I might help you.” 28. He said, “Goodbye my friends.” 29. He said, “I had reached the school before the bell rang.” 30. He said, “I have been learning English.” 31. He said, “I shall have done it.” 32. He said, “It is time we left the place” 33. He said, “My father reads the Holy Quaran every morning.” 34. He said, “The children sang, danced and played.” 35. He says, “I went there yesterday.” 36. He will say, “I am ready to go.” 37. I said to him, ” Good morning.” 38. I said to him, “I bought a book for you. I would like to present this book on your birthday.” 39. He said to his son, `You may come with me tomorrow.’ 40. He said to Jane, “You have overcooked the meat”. 41. He said, “He was thinking of selling his car.” 42. He said, “I have been working since sunrise.” 43. He said, “I hope I shall win the race.” 44. He said, “I never eat meat.” 45. He said, “I shall build my house here.” 46. He said, “I take bath in the Ganges every morning.” 47. He said, “If I were the Prime Minister I would bring in several social reforms.” 48. He said, “People must obey the laws of the land”. 49. He said, “That’s bad.” 50. He said, “The Christians and the Mohammedans bury their dead.” 51. He said, “We must all die.” 52. He said, `I hope my friend in the railway carriage will reflect on this.’ 53. He said, `I shall follow my fancy and ask no man’s permis¬sion.’ 54. He said, `I shall not permit any authority to say that my child must go to this school or that, shall specialize in science or arts, and shall play rugby or soccer.’ 55. He said, `I shut up the Blue-book and looked out of the window.’ 56. He said, `I will come here, and then we will go there together.’ 57. He said, `It is commonly alleged against women that in this respect they are less civilized than man.’ 58. He said, `The man has left the place, but he has not yet come.’ 59. He said, `The thing that is wrong with him is that he has no social sense.’ 60. He said, `The truth is that I never read Blue-book for plea¬sure.’ 61. He said, `There are a lot of people in the world, and I have to accommodate my liberty to their liberties.’ 62. He said, `These are men and women of which any nation may have been proud.’ 63. He said, `We will all starve trying to feed them even a little.’ 64. He said, “I decided to buy the car because it was the latest model.” 65. He said, “When I lived in Delhi, I often met him.” 66. He said,” I have been very ill, but am now better.” 67. He says (or, will say ), “I was wrong.” 68. He says to me, `Your uncle is waiting to see you before he goes to the office.’ 69. He was at the pictures all the time. 70. He will say, “I shall do the work tomorrow.” 71. I tried to ride a bicycle but I fell off three times. 72. I will do my duty. 73. I would do the same myself if I were in your place. 74. I’m going to do it all again on the 15th of July. 75. I’m supposed to have finished it by five o’clock. 76. I’m taking the dog as far as the common for a run. 77. It’s gone half-past three! 78. Janab Ahsan said to me, “Hamid will sit here in this room now and do these sums.” 79. John said, “I must be there by nine tomorrow.” 80. John says, “The pen was lost yesterday.” 81. John will say to you, “I have not done this.” 82. Kamal said, “I shall be driving the car myself on the 15th”. 83. Kamal says to Rahman, “I am wrong.” 84. Kamal says to Rahman, “You are wrong.” 85. Karim says, “I did not go because I was ill.” 86. Kausik said, “My brother arrived on Monday”. 87. Keats said, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” 88. Krishna said, “I bought this book for my brother.” 89. Lekha said, “I visited Agra long ago.” 90. Mary says, `I’ll do what I can, but I don’t know how he’ll behave towards me.’ 91. Mohammad said to me, “You will get it back soon,” 92. Mohan says, `I do my homework regularly.’ 93. Mother said to me, `Your friend arrived here yesterday, but will go tomorrow.’ 94. Mrs Meldon said to Henry, `I can’t get any pleasure out of the thought that some poor German woman is suffering just as I’m suffering.’ 95. Mrs Meldon said to Henry, `I sometimes wonder whether, in spite of your cleverness, you aren’t really the stupidest man on earth. 96. My friend cannot come because she has a touch of ‘flu. 97. My friend said to me, “I have already finished my work.” 98. My friend said to me, “You must see ‘Othello’”. 99. My husband has gone away for a week. 100. My husband is very fond of a piece of pie for his supper. 101. Sadique said to Rumana. “I shall meet you there at New market tomorrow.” 102. She cleans her floors with a special kind of polish. 103. She put it in the left-hand cupboard. 104. She said to me, “You may rely on me for support.” 105. Shimu said to me, “I was making a research to solve the problem.” 106. Sohel said, “I came home, took bath and ate my meal.” 107. The boys said, “We are afraid we shall lose the game.” 108. The cunning old man hid it under a rose-bush his own garden. 109. The girl said, “I wish I sang” 110. The Headmaster said to the boys, “There will be a holiday tomorrow. ” 111. The Observer says, “We draw the attention of the Government in the matter.” 112. The Observer says, “We draw the attention of the Government in the matter.” 113. The teacher said, “Children must obey their parents.” 114. The teacher said, “Mohsin was good and kind and he helped everyone.” 115. The teacher said, “Mr. Ant worked hard while Mr. Grasshopper slept.” 116. These apples won’t keep, they are too soft. 117. They said to me, “We have been your friends all through.” 118. They said, ” The boy is hiding in the place where we left him.” 119. They said, ” The boy will soon be found; and we will bring him.” 120. They said, “We came, worked and returned”. 121. We heard him say, ” I will agree to what you propose, if you sign this.” 122. We said to him,” Your fault will be pardoned, if you confess it.” 123. We’re coming again Monday week. 124. What shall I do? 125. When are you beginning your holiday? 126. When did they tell you that? 127. When you get there, go into the third door on your right as you face the building. 128. Where has he put my pencil? 129. Where shall I send it? 130. Where shall we meet tonight? 131. The examiner’s orders were, “No one is to bring books into the room or ask me questions about what I have told you to do.” 132. The girl said, “Sir, I know the answer to this question.” 133. The Headmaster says, “The boys may come here.” 134. The Independent says, “We draw the attention of the Mayor of this matter.” 135. The librarian said to me, “If the book is in the library, you will get it.” 136. The man said to me, `I shall leave this place as soon as I can.’ 137. The man said, `She’ll be as pleased as I am.’ 138. The man said, `You’re not tired out, sergeant, walking up and down the way you are.’ 139. The old man said to his son, “I am leaving a. vast property for you and you must not waste it.” 140. The old man said to the girl, “I know you and your father.” 141. The policeman said, `I think this would be good place to put up a notice.’ 142. The Prime Minister said, “We should be united to fight the forces of disruption.” 143. The principal says, `We’ll examine you, and will be guided entirely by your replies to our questions.’ 144. The saint said, “Two wrongs do not make a right”. 145. The Secretary said, “We will discuss this tomorrow.” 146. The sergeant said, `You can sing if it gives you more cour¬age.’ 147. The shepherd’s wife says, `I’ve been married five years and have three children.’ 148. The Statesman says, “We are glad to see that the Government has accepted our proposal.” 149. The stout old lady replied, `I’m going to walk where I like.’ 150. The teacher promised, “If you will come before school tomorrow, I will explain it.” 151. The teacher said to Camellia, “You must listen to what your parents say.” 152. The teacher said to me, `Are you making noise in the class?’ 153. The teacher said to me, `I am glad to tell you that you are par¬doned.’ 154. The teacher said ‘to the boys, `If you work hard you will surely pass.’ 155. The teacher said to the students, “The more you read, the more you learn..” 156. The teacher said to us, `The prize will be given tomorrow.’ 157. The teacher said, “All men are equal in the eye of law.” 158. The teacher said, “No one can live for ever in the world.” 159. The teacher said, “The moon shines at night.” 160. The teacher said, “Time and tide wait for none.” 161. And Jacob said: ” It is enough; my son Joseph is yet, alive; I will go and see him before I die.” 162. And David’s anger was greatly kindled, and he said, ” The man who hath done this thing deserveth to die, and he shall restore the lamb fourfold.” 163. He said, ” The rain fell yesterday “. 164. We said to him, ” The weather is stormy, and the way is long.” 165. He said to us, ” The carriage has come, and we shall start soon.” 166. The teacher told us, ” The prize will be presented tomorrow. 167. You said to me, “I regret I cannot do anything for you.” 168. You will say, “I am ill.” 169. Zaman said, “Man must submit to destiny” 170. Hamlet quoted, “To be or not to be: that is the question.”

Narration/Speech (Imperative Sentence)

Change the following forms of speech:

1. “Come here”. “Please give me a book”. 2. “Come in! My friend,” said I. 3. “Could you tell me where he lives?” said the watchman. 4. “Don’t go near the tank, children,” she said. 5. “Give him a book.” She said to me, “Let me have it.” 6. “Go on, sergeant; catch the thief,” the police officer said. 7. “God bless you, my boy,” said the Bishop. 8. “Let him come with us, mother,” I said. 9. “Let us not miss this golden opportunity,” said the Secretary to the members of the club. 10. “Let us wait here till the rain stops,” She said. 11. “Let’s sell these old furniture,” said Charles. ‘Let’s not’ said Rose. 12. “Run away, children”, said their mother. 13. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher. 14. “You must not neglect your study,” said the teacher to the students. 15. Ali said to Mrs. Jamil, “Mother, excuse me my fault.” 16. Antony said, “Friends, lend me your ears.” 17. Babli said to Rimi, “Let us go out for a walk.” 18. Father said to his son, “Do not waste you time.” 19. Father said to his son, “May you succeed in the exam.” 20. Father said to the son, “Don’t quarrel with anybody.” 21. Faisal said to Mahfuz, “Let us learn our lessons.” 22. He said to his friends, “Please wait for me till I return.” 23. He said to his master, “Grant me my prayer, Sir.” 24. He said to his servant, “Bring me a glass of water.” 25. He said to me, “Let us go out for a walk.” 26. He said to me, “Do not go there.” 27. He said to me, “Don’t do it again.” 28. He said to me, “Let him say whatever he likes, I shall certainly support you.” 29. He said to me, “Let me try first.” 30. He said to me, “Let us go home.” 31. He said to me, “Let us go to the pictures.” 32. He said to me, “Please lend me some money.” 33. He said to me, “You must leave the place.” 34. He said to me, “God bless you with a long life.” 35. He said to me. “Please give me a glass of water.” 36. He said to the boys, “Draw a map of Bangladesh.” 37. He said to the children, “You mustn’t play with fire.” 38. He said to the poet, “Would you please, sign my autograph book?” 39. He said to us, “Do not vex me.” 40. He said, “Don’t open the door.” 41. He said, “I might be there.” 42. He said, “Let him do whatever he likes.” 43. He said, “Let him tell the story.” 44. He said, “Let me come in.” 45. He said, “Let me fly the kite.” 46. He said, “Let me have some milk.” 47. He said, “Let us go out for a walk.” 48. He said, “Let’s stop now and take a little rest.” 49. He said, “O, had I the wings of a dove.” 50. He said, “Ram, go there.” 51. He said, “Spread the mat here.” 52. He said, “The boys should be able to do the sum.” 53. He shouted, “Stop you, villain.” 54. I said to her, “Go to school, or you will be fined.” 55. I said to him, “Would you like to see the picture?” 56. I said to him, “Excuse me, sir.” 57. I said to him, “Kamal, tell your father to join today’s meeting.” 58. I said to him, “Let them do whatever they like.” 59. I said to him, “Let us have some music.” 60. I said to him, “Please explain the passage.” 61. I said to’ him, “Wait here till I come back.” 62. I said to my friends, “Good morning, I hope you are all well.” 63. I said to my sister, “Could you give me a cup of tea?” 64. I said to my son, “Don’t eat this.” 65. I said to the gentleman, “Please come into the room.” 66. I said, “Aslam, go there at once,”‘ 67. I said, “Let him go if he chooses.” 68. Kamal said to his friends, “Let us not miss this chance.” 69. Kamal said to his servant, “Do as I tell you.” 70. Kamal said to me, “Let him say whatever he likes.” 71. Kamal said to Mrs. Ali, “Mother, let me have a cup of tea.” 72. Labu said, “Let the man go.” 73. Manika said to Nasima, “Leave the house at once.” 74. Mira said to her friends, “Let us have a picnic on Sunday.” 75. Mother said to me, “Don’t run in the sun.” 76. Mother said to me, “May you live long!” 77. Mother said to the daughter, “May you be happy.” 78. Mother said, “You must work hard.” 79. Mr. Khan said, “Good night, my friends.” 80. Mr. Mahbub said to his son, “Don’t eat dirty food.” 81. My brother said to me, “Go to school or you will be punished.” 82. My friend said to me, “Go home at once.” 83. My mother said to me, “Don’t smoke.” 84. My mother said to me, “Let us go home.” 85. Peter said to his friend, “Please lend me your book.” 86. Rana said to his friend, “Please open the door.” 87. Rashed said, “Good bye, all my friends.” 88. She said to her younger brother, “Don’t tell a lie.” 89. She said to him, “Father, kindly excuse me this time.” “Go there at once.” 90. She said to me, “You should not go out at night.” 91. She said, “I couldn’t come on Monday.” 92. She said, “I would help him if I could.” 93. She said, “God be with you.” 94. Smith said, “Let him try his best, he will not succeed.” 95. The saint said, “May God pardon these sinners!” 96. The doctor said to the patient, “Give up smoking.” 97. The beggar girl said, “Madam, let me stay here for a while.” 98. The beggar said to the man, “Let me have a meal.” 99. The boy said to his teacher, “Please, give me another chance.” 100. The boy said to the Headmaster, “Janab, please pardon me this time,” 101. The boy said to the Headmaster, “Please grant me leave, Sir.” 102. The boy said to the Headmaster, “Please pardon me, sir.” 103. The boy said to the teacher, “Let me go home, Sir.” 104. The boy said to the teacher, “Sir, lend me your book please.” 105. The boy said, “Could I but get that reward.” 106. The boy said, “Good night, mother.” 107. The boys shouted, “May we all pass the examination.” 108. The captain said to the soldiers, “Fire on.” 109. The chairman said, “Let us settle the dispute.” 110. The dervish said to us, “May you be great in life.” 111. The doctor said to the patient, “Don’t smoke.” 112. The doctor said to the patient, “Don’t take tea or coffee for some days.” 113. The dove said to the ant, “Sit on the leaf and swim to the shore.” 114. The general said to the soldiers, “March on.” 115. The General said to the soldiers, “Quick march.” 116. The girl said, “Let me have some milk.” 117. The girls sang, “May Allah bless our leader.” 118. The hare said to the tortoise, “Let us ran a race”. 119. The Headmaster said to the boys, “Do not make any noise.” 120. The judge said, “Let the prisoner be whipped.” 121. The man said, “Could I speak to Mr. Ray?” 122. The manager said to the strikers, “Resume your work.” 123. The mother cried, “Allah save my child.” 124. The mother said to her son, “May you succeed in the examination.” 125. The officer said to the worker, “Leave the room at once.” 126. The poor man said, “Let me have some food.” 127. The President said to the members, “Please obey the chair.” 128. The President said, “May Bangladesh live long.” 129. The President said, “May India be strong and united.” 130. The prisoner said to the judge, “Let me see my mother.” 131. The speaker said to them, “Friends, be not impatient.” 132. The students said to the Principal, “Please grant me leave of absence, sir.” 133. The teacher said, “Let me have a piece of chalk.” 134. The teacher said to Hamid, “Stand up on the bench.” 135. The teacher said to me, “May you win the prize.” 136. The teacher said to Mina, “Read this book.” 137. The teacher said to the boys, “Don’t waste your time.” 138. The teacher said to the student, “Always speak the truth.” 139. The teacher said to the student, “Go out of the class room.” 140. The teacher said to the student, “May you come round soon.” 141. The teacher said to the student, “Never tell a lie.” 142. The teacher said to the student. “Always speak the truth.” 143. The teacher said to the students, “”Be attentive and don’t make a noise.” 144. The teacher said, “Anis, write an essay on ‘Punctuality’.” 145. The teacher said, “Let him do whatever he likes.” 146. The teacher said, “May you prosper in life.” 147. They said to me, “Ram, tell your brother to see us.” 148. They said to us, “Let us decide the matter ourselves.” 149. They said, “Long live the President.” 150. They said, “May his soul rest in peace.” 151. Tom said, “Let him say about me whatever he likes, I don’t care.” 152. We said to the chairman, “Let us drop the matter.” 153. We sang, “May Bangladesh last forever.” 154. You said to her, “Let us do the sum.”

Narration/Speech (Interrogative Sentence or Question)

Change the following forms of speech:

1. “Do you find your payment too little?” said the oldest of the girls to the porter. 2. ” Shall I open the window? ” 3. ” Shall I tell her? ” 4. ” What is your name? ” 5. “Are you coming home with me ?” he asked. 6. “Dear bird,” she said, stroking its feathers, “have you come to comfort me in my sorrow ?” 7. “Did you wonder why I didn’t come when I was wanted? ” 8. “Did you wonder why I didn’t come?” 9. “Do you know who is coming?” 10. “Do you know who killed him?” 11. “Do you really come from China ?” said the prince. 12. “Do you write a good hand ?” he said. 13. “Don’t you know the way home ?” asked I. 14. “Have you any thing to tell me, little bird ?” asked Ulysses. 15. “Have you anything to say on behalf of the prisoner ?” said the judge finally. 16. “Have you seen her recently, Jerry?” said the writer. 17. “Have you seen him anywhere?” 18. “How did you do it ?” said to me Mr. Karim. 19. “May I come in, sir ?” the boy said to the teacher. 20. “Shall I ever forget her?” 21. “Shall I take the football ?” Ali said to Abed. 22. “What do you want ?” he said to her. 23. “Which is the proper way to answer this question, Father ?” the boy inquired. 24. “Which way did she go ?” asked the young Genie. 25. “Who are you, sir, and what do you want ?” they cried. 26. “Why have you beaten my dog ?” he said to me. 27. “Will they go out for a walk if it rains ?” he wondered. 28. `Are these free-range eggs?’ said the customer. 29. `Can you tell me why Paul left the university without taking his degree?’ Paul’s sister asked. 30. `Could you change a five-pound note? I’m afraid I haven’t got anything smaller,’ said the passenger to the conductor. 31. `Did you sleep well?’ asked my hostess. 32. `Do you grow your own vegetables?’ I asked. 33. `Do you mind working on the night shifts?’ he asked. 34. `Do you want to see the cathedral?’ said the guide. 35. `Does anyone want tickets for the boxing match?’ said Charles. 36. `Have you been here long?’ the other students asked him. 37. `How do you get on with your mother-in-law?’ said Paul. 38. `How did you get into the house?’ they asked him. 39. `How long have you been learning English?’ the examiner said. 40. `How many people know the combination of the safe?’ said the detective. 41. `How many sleeping pills have you taken?’ said the night sister. 42. `How much do you think it will cost?’ he said. 43. `What are you going to do with your old car?’ I asked him. 44. `What did you miss most when you were in prison?’ Mary asked the ex-convict. 45. `What were you doing with these skeleton keys?’ said Mr Jones. 46. `Where are you going for your summer holidays?’ I asked them. 47. `Where can I park my caravan?’ she asked the policeman. 48. `Which way are you going?’ I said. 49. `Who did you give the money to?’ asked Ann. 50. `Who has been using my typewriter?’ said my mother. 51. `Why aren’t you taking the exams?’ said Paul. 52. `Would you like a lift?’ said Ann. 53. I said to the Headmaster, “Sir, will you grant me a full free studentship?” 54. A man said to his father, ” What are you doing?” 55. Aladdin said to the magician, “What have I c one to deserve so severe a blow ?” 56. Ali said to Mr. Jamil, “What did you see when you were in Cairo ?” 57. Amin said to the teacher, “Shall I take the book from the table ?” 58. Anik said to me, “Why shall I not go there?” 59. Another passenger came in and said, `Is this seat taken?’ 60. Anwar said to Arif, “Where have you come from?” 61. Anwar said to Hasan, “Where have you kept your book ?” 62. Are my shoes cleaned yet? 63. ‘Are there any letters for me?’ said Mary. 64. Are you American or do you come from Africa? 65. Are you enjoying yourself? 66. Can you lend me five pounds? 67. Can you remember when you last heard that tune? 68. Can you see the marks he made on the carpet? 69. Can you tell me what the time is? 70. Can you tell me where I can find the British Institute? 71. Can you tell me why you are so sad? 72. Columbus said to them, “Can any of you make an egg stand on end ?” 73. ‘Could I see Commander Smith?’ the lady asked. 74. ‘Could we speak to the manager, please?’ said the two men. 75. ‘Did any of you actually see the accident happen?’ said the policeman. 76. Did Bill give you that ring? 77. Did my friend Mashie question you about my whereabouts last Friday? What did you tell him? 78. Did the greengrocer have any fresh vegetables? 79. Did you know what you were doing at the time? 80. Did you notice whether she was made-up or not? 81. Did you see the King yesterday? 82. Did you understand my instructions? 83. Do I look all right? 84. Do you know how far it is to the station? 85. Do you know if any decision was arrived at? 86. Do you know the way to the station? 87. Do you know which is the cup you used? 88. Do you know why he was so cross? 89. Do you mind if I close the window? 90. Do you sleep in the afternoons? 91. Do you think it is greedy to eat more than two at a time? 92. Do you think you can learn it in a year? 93. Do you think you can trust me? 94. ‘Do you think you could live entirely on your own for six months,’ said Tom, ‘or would you get bored?’ 95. Does she always wear silk stockings? 96. Does your boyfriend Cyril wipe his feet on the mat when he comes in? 97. Does your car always make a nasty smell? 98. Father said to his son, “Are you interested in Mathematics?” 99. Father said to me, “How did you do the work?” 100. Has Henry got a lawn-mower? Do you think he will lend it to me? 101. Hasina said, “Shall I find him at home in the evening ?” 102. Have the children put away their toys? 103. ‘Have you an appointment?’ said the secretary. 104. Have you any idea when he did it? 105. Have you any idea when you’ll be this way again? 106. Have you been to town today? 107. Have you brought your books with you or not? 108. ‘Have you ever seen a flying saucer?’ said the man. 109. Have you sewn on my buttons as I asked? 110. He enquired., “When did you intend to pay me ?” 111. He said to his mother, “Where shall I put it ?” 112. He said to me, ” When will you go home ?” 113. He said to me, “Do you like doing the work ?” 114. He said to me, “Is there no hope for me?” 115. He said to me, “Were you reading a book?” 116. He said to me, “When will the next letter come?” 117. He said to me, “Which book do you want?” 118. He said to them, “Do you want to return to Europe?” 119. He said to us, “Will you listen to such a fool?” 120. He said to, us, “Why are you all sitting about there doing nothing ?” 121. He said, “How’s your father ?” 122. How can one tell if she is speaking the truth? 123. How did you do that? (They wanted to know …) 124. How far is it to the National Theatre? Can I walk it in ten minutes or must I take a tram? 125. How is your mother-in-law now? 126. ‘How long does it take to get to Edinburgh by coach?’ asked the tourist. 127. How many cakes can you get into your mouth at once? 128. How many times have I told you not to do that? 129. How much did you pay for these over-ripe tomatoes? 130. How old is he now? Can he read yet? 131. I said to Ahmad, “When will your father arrive ?” 132. I said to her, “Will you go to the college tomorrow?” 133. I said to him, “Do you like to eat mangoes ?” 134. I said to him, “Do you like to read novels?” 135. I said to him, “When did you see me and what do you think of me?” 136. I said to him, “When will you do it?” 137. I said to him, “When will you go home ?” 138. Is it raining very heavily? 139. Is it true that they were seen alone together? 140. Is she asking you any more questions tomorrow? 141. Is this the spot where the murder was committed? 142. Must the door be kept shut? 143. Must we be here by six or can we come a little later? 144. Must you always ask me what I’m doing? 145. My father said to him, “Is not poverty a curse ?” 146. My friend said, “Where are you staying next week ?” 147. Now do you believe me, or do you still think I’m lying? 148. Omar said to me, “Shall I take your pen?” 149. Ought the light to be on? 150. Ruby said to her mother, “What did you see when you were in the states?” 151. Runa said to Sumi, ” Will you meet me tomorrow?” 152. Shall I ask the little boy how to get there? 153. Shall I be able to hear what he is saying? 154. Shall I be in your way? 155. Shall I call for you? (He asked …) 156. Shall I do it before tomorrow? (He asked .,.) 157. Shall I enjoy the party? (She wondered …) 158. Shall I ever get married? (She wondered …) 159. Shall I give you the money now? (She asked) 160. Shall I help you pack? 161. Shall I hurry on and get the tickets? 162. Shall I lay the table now? (She wanted to know …) 163. Shall I leave it in the car? (He asked me …) 164. Shall I like the concert? (He wondered …) 165. Shall I live to be a hundred? (He wondered …) 166. Shall I marry him? (She asked her mother …) 167. Shall I put the light out? (He asked her …) 168. Shall I remember your name next time?( He wondered … ) 169. Shall I send it to you by post? 170. Shall I type it again? (She asked …) 171. Shall we buy your father a present? (They wondered…) 172. Shall we have time to finish? (They wondered …) 173. Shall we know the answer tomorrow? 174. Shall we require new books next time? (They wondered … ) 175. Shall we succeed in our examinations? (They wondered … ) 176. Shall we wait till the others come?(They wanted to know . , .) 177. She said to him, “What is it that makes you so much stronger and braver than any other man ?” 178. She said to him, “Why have you come here?” 179. She said to me, “Who are you and what do you want?” 180. Tareq said to Rafiq. “Why do you always think about the bad side of things?” 181. The bookseller said to me, “Which book do you want ?” 182. The man said to the stranger, “What is your name and why did you come here?” 183. The man said, “Where shall I be in 1999 ?” 184. The old man said to his sons, “Why do you quarrel always?” 185. The old man said to me, “How long have you been staying here?” 186. The passenger said to the porter, “When will the train arrive?” 187. The policeman said to me, “Did you see the accident?” 188. The poor man exclaimed, “Will none of you help me ?” 189. The Rajah was deeply grieved, and said to his wife, “What can I do for you ?” 190. The teacher said to the boys, ” Why are you making a noise?” 191. The teacher said to the students, “Can anyone give the correct answer to this question?” 192. The ticket-collector said to him, “Have you booked your ticket ?” 193. The young sparrow said, “Mother, what is that queer object ?” 194. Then aloud he said, “Tell me, boy, is the miller within ?” 195. They said to her, “Who are you and what do you want of us?” 196. They said to her, “Who are you and what do you want of us?” 197. They said to me, “Who are you and what do you want ?” 198. They said to us, “When will you return home?” 199. Was the Mayor present when the new school was opened? 200. They said to us, “Why did you write those letters?” 201. Was the train very full? 202. Were you very busy yesterday or the day before? Why didn’t you come here? 203. What do you mean? Do you think I’m mad? 204. What do you think you are doing? 205. What is the matter? 206. ‘What train are you going to get?’ my friend inquired. 207. What’s the English for ‘ananya’? 208. When the Brahmin approached, the first thief said, “Why do you carry a dog on your back ? Are you not ashamed ?” 209. When the sun got low, the king’s son said, “Jack, since we have no money, where can we lodge this night ?” 210. When will my dress be finished? 211. When will you come again? Shall I be seeing you next week? 212. Where are you going? 213. Where are you going? (He asked me …) 214. Where did I leave my shirt and trousers? 215. Where has the servant put my slippers? Why can’t she leave them where I put them when I took them off? 216. Where shall I be tomorrow? 217. Where were you when the rain started? 218. Which book are you taking? 219. Who called while I was out? Did she leave a message? 220. Who do you suppose would believe that story? 221. ‘Who do you want to speak to?’ said the telephonist. 222. Who will come to the pictures with me? 223. Why are you so sad? 224. Why didn’t you get up earlier? 225. ‘Will it be all right if I come in a little later tonight?’ asked the orphan girl. 226. Will the taxi be here at eight o’clock? 227. Will you please find out when he last wrote to me? 228. Will you please tell me when you expect to come? 229. Won’t you find out why he doesn’t like us? (This really an imperative. Treat as such.) 230. ‘Would you like to come with us?’ they said. 231. You said to Asif, “Have you seen the man who came to visit yesterday?” 232. You said to him, “Don’t I love you more than Rahman ?” 233. You said to me, ” Would you help me please?” 234. You said to me, “Do you hear me?” 235. You said to them, ` Have you seen the man who came to me the other day ?” 236. I said to him, “Where did you see me and what do you think of me?” 237. He said to me, “Is there no hope for me ?” 238. I said to him. “Shall you go to Calcutta ?” 239. The shop-boy said to the customer, “Shall we send it to your flat, sir ?” 240. I said to him, “What have you got in your bag ?” 241. The teacher said to her, “Why have you not completed your task ?” 242. He said, “Lucie, when is the next train ?” 243. He said to me, “What can I do for you, dear ?” 244. He said to me, “Where is the station ?” 245. She said, “What do you want ?” 246. He said, “Who are you ?” 247. “When shall we know the results of the Examination ?” I said. 248. He said, “Where shall I be this time next year ?” 249. “What shall I do now, sir ?” I said. 250. “Shall we meet at the station ?” I said. 251. He said, “Shall I bring you some coffee ?” 252. He said to me, “Will you come here tomorrow ?” 253. I said, “Will you help me, please ?” 254. “Will you stop talking’?” he said. 255. “Would you wait a moment ?” he said. 256. He said, “Will you come to dinner with me tomorrow ?” 257. He said to us, “Why are you sitting about there, doing nothing ?” 258. “Have you anything to tell me, little bird ?” asked Ulysses. 259. Mr. Sen said to his driver, “Why did you not put on the brake ?” 260. Ram said to Sham, “Good morning ! How do you do ?” 261. “Was it fever from which you suffered ?” asked the teacher to the student. 262. “Could I speak to Mr Ghosh, please ?” she said. 263. “Could I have a cup of coffee ?” he said. 264. He said, “Who are you to speak to me like this ?” 265. `Do you write a good hand?’ asked the teacher. 266. `Who was the first man to fly in space Tasked the examiner. 267. He said to me, `Does your brother know English ?’ 268. He said to the old man, `Did you start in the morning ?’ 269. He said to me, `What do you mean by that ?’ 270. You said to me, `Where have you kept my bag ?’ 271. The teacher said to me, `Why are you so angry with your brother ?’ 272. His father said to you, `How did you come here ?’ 273. Corrie said to Charlotte, `What would you ask for if you were me ?’ 274. James said to Philip, `Is there anything to be ashamed of in this ?’ 275. Philip : ‘Uncle James, do you really think that you can treat me like a boy who’s just left school’? 276. Brutus said to the citizens, `Who is here so vile that will not love his country ?’ 277. `Is that the sort of fair play they teach you in the Army ?’ James said to Philip. 278. `How many people have been injured ?’ he asked. `Have they been given first aid ?’ 279. `What has happened to make you change your mind ?’ he asked. `Did anybody make you any request ?’ 280. `Who has discovered the entrance to the cave ?’ he asked me. `When did he do that ?’ 281. `Did you tell anybody else about the scheme The asked me. `It should not be known to others now.’ 282. `Has a solution been found to the problem yet T they asked the man. `If so, who found it ?’ 283. `Did the mechanic finish repairing my car The asked. `How long did he take ?’ 284. `Why wasn’t the house sold earlier ?’ they asked. `Was it damaged ?’ 285. `Is this the spot where the murder was committed ?’ the policeman asked. `Is there any eye witness ?’ 286. `Where were you when the rain started ?’ my father asked me. `Did you take shelter anywhere ?’ 287. `Shall I send the letter by air mail or by surface mail?’ my sis¬ter asked me. `If it is sent by surface mail, it’ll reach there after three days.’ 288. `Shall we go to the sports stadium and watch the semi-final ?’ my friend asked me. `The match will start at 4 p.m.’ 289. My uncle said to Rabi, ‘Apu is going to school, isn’t he ?’ 290. `We shall not go there, shall we ?’ he said to me. 291. He said to me, `I have forgotten to bring my pen. Can you lend me yours ?’ 292. The teacher said to the boys, `Do you want to play now ? If you do, you may go to the playground.’ 293. He said to me,”What is the shortest way back?” 294. He said to him, “Why do you stop here?” 295. He said to me,” Why did you strike me?”

If I should die, think only this of me:

That there’s some corner of a foreign field

That is forever England.___ adopted from The Soldier (1915) composed by Rupert Brooke (1897–1915)

(প্রতিটি লেকচার শিটের নিচে একটা করে কবিতার অংশ জুড়ে দিতাম আর সে কবিতাটা ক্লাসে পড়াতাম।)